Senin, 08 Maret 2010

The 2010 Fort Worth Texas Rod and Custom Show.

Took some pics out in Ft. Worth today...started the morning out at the Dallas New Car Show, hit Pappa's Burgers on the way to the hot rod show and had a nice afternoon looking at the rides.

Came in the door of the Ft. Worth Rod and Custom Show and was greeted by the infamous former clown car turned hot rod from the magazines.

The back drop behind the car kinda creeped me out...I ain't scared of clowns per say but I have never met one I liked.

To me these headlight look like poop on most cars, but they worked on this one!

Love that nailhead!

Don Smith's killer anti freeze green 32 that I also took pictures of at Goodguys back in October...I think this might be my favorite car of his now. Not that pretty much all his car rock or anything.

Look, it's cardboard Gene!

Man, there were a bunch of 32 Five windows at the show this year. This one had some interesting history stuff on the card next to it.

Real big block car...

Not often you see a Starlight black Judge much less one with a red interior.

I guess some would say this one is "over restored" but it is pretty much perfect. Love the red lines, mags, and tri power.

Very different, very cool...

Black Widow look but not one...

Don Smith's future 32 four door is going to be as cool as the anti freeze green sedan.

Very stealthy Del Ray...very understated and very awesome!

Non Fuel Injection 57...

Followed by a Fuel Injected 57...

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